Forcella Fresh Pasta

The Taste of The Italian Cuisine

Mantıye Gıda Sanayi company was founded in 2006 year. Having started its operations by producing the varieties of manti, which is the traditional delight of the Turkish Cuisine, the company has been producing the varieties of fresh pasta that is a special taste from the Italian Cuisine as of 2017 year with the Forcella brand.

The pasta from the Italian Cuisine is preferred in fresh state thanks to its short cooking time in addition to the fact that its dough has a special smell and form. The fresh pasta is produced by using the egg, semolina and durum wheat of highest quality and they are pasteurized in the first production state without being dried. They are packed within airproof packages and offered for sale in fresh state at +4 degree of temperature without additives.

Our fresh pasta journey had begun by producing plain pasta without filling, and now it continues with cheese-filled varieties by winning our valued customers’ appreciation.

Contact Us For Your Questions

You can contact us for any question on our products.

The factors that affect the pasta quality can be summarized under four categories:

  • Semolina Quality
  • Egg Freshness
  • Cheese Varieties
  • Preservation and Hygiene

Please do not hesitate to contact us by using our telephone line: +90 216 652 2575

The Special Tastes from the Italian Cuisine

Take a close look at some of the best products of the Italian Cuisine and feel your food passion!

Forcella Taze Makarna Ürün

Forcella Fresh Pasta


Quality & Food

We have adopted it as our main principle to always offer quality and safe foods and services to our customers by protecting their health and by ensuring the highest level of service quality with the goal of achieving the highest level of customer satisfaction. In parallel with this principle, we have adopted it as our goal to become the exemplary business in Turkey thanks to our qualified and professional employees, by meticulously fulfilling the customer demands, by staying in compliance with the standards to produce safe foods in healthy and hygienic environments to offer quality and safe products to our customers.

It is our life philosophy and business principle to ensure “Safe and Quality Food” in parallel with the continuous improvement approach and to adopt the social responsibility standards by acting in coordination with our suppliers and to direct all of our employees in this direction by working with team spirit.

Forcella Kalite ve Gıda Yönetimi
  • To fulfill the requirements of our country’s environmental regulations and to stay up-to-date,
  • To ensure the measureable sustainable growth in every environmental field, as much as possible,
  • To determine the environmental aspects, the types of environmental effects and their possible damages,
  • To minimize the pollution and the wastes, to ensure the disposal of our dangerous wastes with minimum environmental effect,
  • To continuously train the employees and the sub-contractors and to encourage them to adopt such principles,
  • To determine the goals and purposes in this scope, and to declare the progress by reviewing them each year,
  • To continuously improve our environmental management system in the light of these principles.
  • We will be accessible by the related parties to catch up with the changing world, to ensure growth and sustainable development.
  • All company employees are responsible from the employee health and occupational safety.
  • All accidents can be prevented and must be prevented.
  • There is always a safer way to do any work.
  • Our company values the health and occupational health of our employees as much as other business goals.
  • The responsibilities and authorities are going to be shared between all of our employees to fulfill the laws, regulations, legislation and other occupational health and safety requirements.
  • Every internal and external resources are going to be used by our company in the most correct and beneficial way to ensure an efficient, safe and healthy work environment, to make use of communication, to improve the individual performance of the employees and to reward the success and knowledge.
  • Our company attaches great importance to the trainings to create and improve the individual responsibility awareness in the employee health and occupational safety subjects  and to effectively implement the OHSAS:18001 standard.

This policy contains our commitments to ensure our sustainability by being aware of our social responsibilities as Mantıye Gıda San Ltd. Şti. company.

Child Labor: We promise not to have any worker under 16 years old to respect the healthy development and education right of the children, and to follow the methods and principles in employing the young employees,

Employment: We promise that the compliance to the company rules and social suitability conditions are important criteria which are as much as required as the technical and occupational knowledge during the employment stage to ensure the sustainability of fulfillment of the company’s ethical rules; the belowmentioned discrimination and harassment-cruel treatment prevention policies apply from the beginning of the employment stage,

Raising the Awareness Level of the Employees: We promise to increase the awareness level of the employees by informing them about their personal rights, company rules and work conditions at the employment stage and during the specific periods after employment, as we believe that the social suitability is based on the employees’ high level of awareness,

Work Hours: We promise to obey the related laws and regulations about the work hours and overtime work to ensure effective work and to respect the human rights,

Salaries and Payments: We promise there will be no salary lower than the minimum wage level as this is the minimum income level to earn their lives, and the overtime work hour payments are going to be paid by making additions according to the laws,

Obeying the Laws and Other Liabilities: We promise to obey the rules of the international social responsibility organizations (FLA, ILO, ETI) together with the business partnership rules of our customers, by following the related laws and regulations,

Discrimination: We promise, based on the fact that all employees have equal rights, that there will be no discrimination in the subjects of employment, damages payment, access to training and promotion, based on race, social class, religion, nationality, sex or politic relations,

Communication: We promise to implement the applications to keep the connection between all the employees and between their managers alive, based on the belief that the success is based on healthy communication, to establish good relations between the employees and managers and to sustain these relations,

Prevention of Harassment and Cruel Treatment: We promise to prevent the verbal / physical / psychological harassment or forced actions to ensure the peace of the workplace so that he employees can work happily,

Forced and Involuntary Labor: We promise that the employment is going to be based on voluntariness and no one will work compulsorily to pay debts or based on forcing contractual provisions,

Supplier Management: We promise to evaluate the social suitability activities of the supplier companies, based on the belief that all suppliers have equal responsibilities, and to track the results with the action plans and to supervise the social suitability activities with the management systems,

The Occupational Health and Safety: We promise to accept the people as the most valued assets in all activities and to create a safer and healthier work environment to minimize any possible loss as our goal with highest priority, to organize trainings to ensure all employees are aware of their individual responsibilities about the subject, to provide the required equipments for the Occupational Health and Safety rules, and to obey the related laws, regulations and conditions regarding the Occupational Health and Safety as well as Eko Textile standards and rules, to create a communication environment where all employees can work in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety policy, to raise awareness about the works performed in this subject, to determine the occupational health and safety risks that may occur within our company and to control them by keeping the risks within the acceptable levels,

Training: The training level of the employees determines the general level of the company. Based on this philosophy, we promise to raise the employees’ occupational health and safety awareness level, to organize trainings within and outside the company to support their professional and personal development, and therefore to ensure the company’s continuous development based on the employees’ developments thanks to the organized trainings.

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Consumer Satisfaction

We are aware of our responsibility of producing high quality, delicious and safe foods based on our valued customers’ trust in us. It is our main principle to protect your health, offer the highest level of service quality and always ensure the consumer satisfaction.

Contact Us


Orta Mah. Livan Sok. No: 8/1 Tuzla, İstanbul-Turkey

0216 652 25 75

0216 652 25 76